Command 'charmcraft login'


charmcraft login [options]


Login to Charmhub.

Charmcraft will provide a URL for the Charmhub login. When you have successfully logged in, charmcraft will store a token for ongoing access to Charmhub at the CLI (if --export option was not used otherwise it will only save the credentials in the indicated file).

If --export <file> option is used, a secret credentials file will be created. And the file can be used to set CHARMCRAFT_AUTH environment variable.

export CHARMCRAFT_AUTH=$(cat secret)

This is suitable for Linux environments without a Vault, such as remote servers and CI/CD pipelines.

Please ensure the secret file and environment variable are secured.

Remember to charmcraft logout if you want to remove that token from your local system, especially in a shared environment.

If the credentials are exported, they can also be attenuated in several ways specifying their time-to-live (--ttl), on which channels would work (--channel), what actions will be able to do (--permission), and on which packages they will work (using --charm or --bundle).

See also charmcraft whoami to verify that you are logged in.


-h, --help Show this help message and exit
-v, --verbose Show debug information and be more verbose
-q, --quiet Only show warnings and errors, not progress
--verbosity Set the verbosity level to ‘quiet’, ‘brief’, ‘verbose’, ‘debug’ or ‘trace’
-p, --project-dir Specify the project’s directory (defaults to current)
--export Export the Charmhub unencrypted secret credentials to a file
--charm The charm(s) on which the required credentials would work (this option can be indicated multiple times; defaults to all)
--bundle The bundle(s) on which the required credentials would work (this option can be indicated multiple times; defaults to all)
--channel The channel(s) on which the required credentials would work (this option can be indicated multiple times, defaults to any channel)
--permission The permission(s) that the required credentials will have (this option can be indicated multiple times, defaults to all permissions)
--ttl The time-to-live (in seconds) of the required credentials (defaults to 30 hours)

See also:

  • close
  • create-lib
  • fetch-lib
  • list-lib
  • logout
  • names
  • promote-bundle
  • publish-lib
  • register
  • register-bundle
  • release
  • resource-revisions
  • resources
  • revisions
  • status
  • unregister
  • upload
  • upload-resource
  • whoami

Last updated 1 year, 30 days ago. Help improve this document in the forum or File an issue .