
Developer tools > Tools for debugging > jhack

See also upstream: jhack

jhack is an opinionated CLI tool to make charm development and debugging easier. For example, with jhack show-relation you can pretty-print databags from two related applications and with jhack tail you can watch what events are being fired on what units in real time.

jhack can be installed as a snap or from sources.

If you install the snap, you’ll need to sudo snap connect jhack:dot-local-share-juju snapd to give jhack read/write access to your ~/.local/share/juju juju data folder.

If you are running LXD models, you will also need to provide jhack access to your ssh keys so it can run juju ssh on your behalf: sudo snap connect jhack:ssh-read snapd:ssh-keys.

Run jhack without any argument to see a list of toplevel commands and some subcommands.

See more:

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