Command 'charmcraft set-resource-architectures'


charmcraft set-resource-architectures [options] <charm-name> <resource-name> <arch>


Set the architectures for a resource revision in Charmhub.

Each resource revision is tagged with one or more architectures. If a revision is incorrectly tagged, this command can modify the architecture tags for that resource revision.

For example:

$ charmcraft resource-revisions my-charm my-resource
Revision    Created at               Size  Architectures
1           2020-11-15 T11:13:15Z  183151  riscv64
$ charmcraft set-resource-architectures my-charm my-resource --revision=1 arm64,armhf
Revision 1 of 'my-resource' on charm 'my-charm' set to architectures: arm64,armhf
$ charmcraft resource-revisions my-charm my-resource
Revision    Created at               Size  Architectures
1           2020-11-15 T11:13:15Z  183151  arm64,armhf


-h, --help Show this help message and exit
-v, --verbose Show debug information and be more verbose
-q, --quiet Only show warnings and errors, not progress
--verbosity Set the verbosity level to ‘quiet’, ‘brief’, ‘verbose’, ‘debug’ or ‘trace’
-V, --version Show the application version and exit
-p, --project-dir Specify the project’s directory (defaults to current)
--format Produce the result in the specified format (currently only ‘json’)
--revision A revision to update

See also:

  • close
  • promote-bundle
  • release
  • resource-revisions
  • resources
  • revisions
  • status
  • upload
  • upload-resource

Last updated 5 months ago. Help improve this document in the forum.