File 'pyproject.toml'

The pyproject.toml file in your charm’s root directory is a typical Python pyproject.toml file.

See more: pip | pyproject.toml

This file is generated automatically by charmcraft init with the contents below:

# Testing tools configuration
branch = true

show_missing = true

minversion = "6.0"
log_cli_level = "INFO"

# Formatting tools configuration
line-length = 99
target-version = ["py38"]

# Linting tools configuration
line-length = 99
select = ["E", "W", "F", "C", "N", "D", "I001"]
extend-ignore = [
ignore = ["E501", "D107"]
extend-exclude = ["__pycache__", "*.egg_info"]
per-file-ignores = {"tests/*" = ["D100","D101","D102","D103","D104"]}

max-complexity = 10

skip = "build,lib,venv,icon.svg,.tox,.git,.mypy_cache,.ruff_cache,.coverage"

include = ["src/**.py"]

Last updated 9 months ago. Help improve this document in the forum.