Event 'secret-expired'

Event > List of events > Secret events > secret-expired

This feature is scheduled for release in ops 2.0, and is only available when using Juju 3.0.2 or greater.

If a secret was added with the expire argument set to some future time, when that time elapses, Juju will notify the owner charm that the expiration time has been reached by firing a secret-expired event on the owner unit.

The owner can be a specific unit, in which case only that unit will receive the event, or it can be the application as a whole, in which case the leader unit will receive it.

Upon receiving that event (or at any time after that) the owner will typically want to create a new secret revision. When a new revision is created, the observer units will be notified with a secret-changed event and can update to the new revision.

Once all observers have done so, and there are therefore no observers left tracking the old revision, the owner will receive a secret-remove event. At this point the revision can be removed.

Emission sequence

Like all secret events, secret-expired is automatically triggered by Juju. It is fired by Juju whenever the expiration timeout is reached.

Scenario Example Code Resulting Events
Secret timeout reached n/a (all owners) secret-expired

Observing this event in ops

In the Python Operator Framework, you can observe the event like you would any other:

self.framework.observe(charm.on.secret_expired, self._on_secret_expired)

The SecretExpiredEvent exposes the attributes it inherits from SecretEvent as well as a revision attribute which specifies which revision this event refers to.

A typical implementation of _on_secret_expired might look like this:

def _on_secret_expired(self, event: SecretExpiredEvent):
    secret = event.secret
    # create a new revision:
    secret.set_content({'new_password': self._generate_new_password()})

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