Command 'juju debug-code'

The information in this doc is based on Juju version 3.5.5, and may not accurately reflect other versions of Juju.

See also: ssh, debug-hooks


Launch a tmux session to debug hooks and/or actions.


juju debug-code [options] <unit name> [hook or action names]


Flag Default Usage
--at all will set the JUJU_DEBUG_AT environment variable to this value, which will then be interpreted by the charm for where you want to stop, defaults to ‘all’
--container the container name of the target pod
-m, --model Model to operate in. Accepts [<controller name>:]<model name>|<model UUID>
--no-host-key-checks false Skip host key checking (INSECURE)
--proxy false Proxy through the API server
--pty <auto> Enable pseudo-tty allocation
--remote false Target on the workload or operator pod (k8s-only)


Debug all hooks and actions of unit ‘0’:

juju debug-code mysql/0

Debug all hooks and actions of the leader:

juju debug-code mysql/leader

Debug the ‘config-changed’ hook of unit ‘1’:

juju debug-code mysql/1 config-changed

Debug the ‘pull-site’ action and ‘update-status’ hook:

juju debug-code hello-kubecon/0 pull-site update-status

Debug the ‘leader-elected’ hook and set ‘JUJU_DEBUG_AT’ variable to ‘hook’:

juju debug-code --at=hook mysql/0 leader-elected


The command launches a tmux session that will intercept matching hooks and/or actions.

Initially, the tmux session will take you to ‘/var/lib/juju’ or ‘/home/ubuntu’. As soon as a matching hook or action is fired, the hook or action is executed and the JUJU_DEBUG_AT variable is set. Charms implementing support for this should set debug breakpoints based on the environment variable. Charms written with the Charmed Operator Framework Ops automatically provide support for this.

For more details on debugging charm code, see the charm SDK documentation.

Valid unit identifiers are: a standard unit ID, such as mysql/0 or; leader syntax of the form <application>/leader, such as mysql/leader.

If no hook or action is specified, all hooks and actions will be intercepted.

See the “juju help ssh” for information about SSH related options accepted by the debug-code command.