The MicroK8s cloud and Juju

List of supported clouds > MicroK8s

This document describes details specific to using your a MicroK8s cloud with Juju.

See more: Getting started on Microk8s

When using the MicroK8s cloud with Juju, it is important to keep in mind that it is a (1) Kubernetes cloud and (2) not some other cloud.

See more: Cloud differences in Juju

As the differences related to (1) are already documented generically in our Tutorial, How-to guides, and Reference docs, here we record just those that follow from (2).

Juju points of variation Notes for the MicroK8s cloud
setup (chronological order):
supported versions: TBA
requirements: enale services for dns and hostpath-storage
definition: Cf. kubeconfig file. :information_source: Juju automatically defines a local cloud of this type.
- name: microk8s or user-defined
- type: k8s
- authentication types: [oauth2, clientcertificate, userpass]
- regions: [TO BE ADDED]
- cloud-specific model configuration keys: operator-storage (string) Sets the storage class used to provision operator storage.

workload-storage (string) Sets the preferred storage class used to provision the workload storage.

definition: Cf. kubeconfig file.

If you are an admin Juju user and your cloud is a local MicroK8s cloud: Juju retrieves your credential definition automatically. Run juju credentials to confirm. (Pre-defined credential name in Juju: microk8s.)

auth-type: [certificate, clientcertificate, oauth2, oauth2withcert, userpass].

notes on bootstrap:
other (alphabetical order:)
cloud-specific: TBA
CONSTRAINT Not applicable.
<machine> TBA
subnet=... :x:
system-id=... :x:
zone=... TBA
RESOURCE (cloud)

Consistent naming, tagging, and the ability to add user-controlled tags to created instances.



Juju 3.x requires MicroK8s strict Mode

When bootstraping with microk8s following error may arise

$ juju bootstrap microk8s
ERROR “/var/snap/juju/28060/microk8s/credentials/client.config” does not exist: juju “3.5.3” can only work with strictly confined microk8s

Install the strict version of MicroK8s

Last updated 2 hours ago. Help improve this document in the forum.