Command 'juju upgrade-model'

The information in this doc is based on Juju version 3.5.4, and may not accurately reflect other versions of Juju.

See also: sync-agent-binary


Upgrades Juju on all machines in a model.


Flag Default Usage
-B, --no-browser-login false Do not use web browser for authentication
--agent-stream Check this agent stream for upgrades
--agent-version Upgrade to specific version
--dry-run false Don’t change anything, just report what would be changed
--ignore-agent-versions false Don’t check if all agents have already reached the current version
-m, --model Model to operate in. Accepts [<controller name>:]<model name>|<model UUID>
--reset-previous-upgrade false Clear the previous (incomplete) upgrade status (use with care)
--timeout 10m0s Timeout before upgrade is aborted
-y, --yes false Answer ‘yes’ to confirmation prompts


juju upgrade-model --dry-run
juju upgrade-model --agent-version 2.0.1
juju upgrade-model --agent-stream proposed


Juju provides agent software to every machine it creates. This command upgrades that software across an entire model, which is, by default, the current model. A model’s agent version can be shown with juju model-config agent-version. A version is denoted by: major.minor.patch

If ‘–agent-version’ is not specified, then the upgrade candidate is selected to be the exact version the controller itself is running.

If the controller is without internet access, the client must first supply the software to the controller’s cache via the juju sync-agent-binary command. The command will abort if an upgrade is in progress. It will also abort if a previous upgrade was not fully completed (e.g.: if one of the controllers in a high availability model failed to upgrade).

When looking for an agent to upgrade to, Juju will check the currently configured agent stream for that model. It’s possible to overwrite this for the lifetime of this upgrade using --agent-stream

If a failed upgrade has been resolved, ‘–reset-previous-upgrade’ can be used to allow the upgrade to proceed. Backups are recommended prior to upgrading.

Last updated a month ago. Help improve this document in the forum.