How to troubleshoot your deployment

From the point of view of the user, there are four basic failure scenarios:

  1. Command that fails to return – things hang at some step (e.g., bootstrap or deploy) and eventually timeout with an error.
  2. Command that returns an error.
  3. Command that returns but, immediately after, juju status shows errors.
  4. Things look fine but, at some later point, juju status shows errors.

In all cases you’ll want to understand what’s causing the error so you can figure out the way out:

  • For (1)-(3) you can check the documentation for the specific procedure you were trying to perform right before the error – you might find a troubleshooting box with the exact error message, what it means, and how you can solve the issue.

Example: The troubleshooting box at the end of How to manage models > Migrate.

  • For (1)-(2) you can also retry the command with the global flags --debug and --verbose (best used together; for bootstrap, also use --keep-broken – if a machine is provisioned, this will ensure that it is not destroyed upon bootstrap fail, which will enable you to examine the logs).
  • For all of (1)-(4), you can examine the logs by
    • running juju debug-log (best used with --tail, because some errors are transient so the last lines tend to be the most relevant; also with –level=ERROR and, if the point of failure is known, –include ... as well, to filter the output) or
    • examining the log files directly.

See more: juju debug-log, How to manage logs > Stream the logs, How to manage logs > View the log files, Juju logs

  • For (3)-(4) the error might also be coming from a particular hook or action. In that case, use juju debug-hooks to launch a tmux session that will intercept matching hooks and/or actions. Then you can fix the error by manually configuring the workload, or editing the charm code. Once it is fixed you can run juju resolved to inform the charm that you have fixed the issue and it can continue.

See more: juju debug-hooks , juju resolved

If none of this helps, use the information you’ve gathered to ask for help on our public Charmhub Matrix chat or our public Charmhub Discourse forum.

Contributors: @aflynn, @barrettj12, @hmlanigan , @tmihoc