Command 'juju documentation'

The information in this doc is based on Juju version 3.5.5, and may not accurately reflect other versions of Juju.


Generate the documentation for all commands


juju documentation [options] --out <target-folder> --no-index --split --url <base-url> --discourse-ids <filepath>


Flag Default Usage
--discourse-ids File containing a mapping of commands and their discourse ids
--no-index false Do not generate the commands index
--out Documentation output folder if not set the result is displayed using the standard output
--split false Generate a separate Markdown file for each command
--url Documentation host URL


juju documentation
juju documentation --split 
juju documentation --split --no-index --out /tmp/docs

To render markdown documentation using a list of existing commands, you can use a file with the following syntax

command1: id1
command2: id2
commandN: idN

For example:

add-cloud: 1183
add-secret: 1284
remove-cloud: 4344

Then, the urls will be populated using the ids indicated in the file above.

juju documentation --split --no-index --out /tmp/docs --discourse-ids /tmp/docs/myids


This command generates a markdown formatted document with all the commands, their descriptions, arguments, and examples.

Last updated 4 days ago. Help improve this document in the forum.