How to manage models

See also: Model


Add a model

If you have multiple credentials: Be careful which one you use for the new model. Any machines subsequently on the model will be associated with this credential. As such, make sure you’re not spending resources for the wrong cloud account!

To add a model to the current controller using the default credential and switch to this model, run the add-model command followed by the name of the model. For example:

juju add-model mymodel

You can also pass various options to choose a different controller or credential, specify a configuration, designate a different model owner, not switch to the newly create model, add it to a particular cloud (for multi-cloud controllers), etc.

See more: juju add-model

To add a model on the controller specified in the juju provider definition, in your Terraform plan create a resource of the juju_model type, specifying, at the very least, a name. For example:

resource "juju_model" "testmodel" {
  name = "machinetest"

In the case of a multi-cloud controller, you can specify which cloud you want the model to be associated with by defining a cloud block. To specify a model configuration, include a config block.

See more: juju_model (resource)

To add a model, on a connected controller, call the add_model function. For example, below we’re adding a model called test-model on the controller:

await controller.add_model("test-model")

See more: Controller.add_model(), juju_model (module), juju_controller (module)

View all the models available on a controller

To get a list of all the models in the current controller, use the models command:

juju models

The current model will be denoted with an asterisk.

Expand to see a sample output
Controller: localhost-localhost

Model       Cloud/Region         Type  Status     Machines  Units  Access  Last connection
controller  localhost/localhost  lxd   available         1      1  admin   1 minute ago
prod*       localhost/localhost  lxd   available         0      -  admin   never connected
test        localhost/localhost  lxd   available         0      -  admin   2 minutes ago

By passing various options you can filter by controller, get a time stamp, output to a specific format, etc.

See more: juju models

The terraform juju client does not support this. Please use the juju client.

To view all the models available on a controller, call the Controller.list_models() function:

await controller.list_models()

See more: Controller.list_models(),

Switch to a different model

Identify the current model. To identify the current model, run the switch command with no arguments:

juju switch

This will show the current controller, user, and model in a <controller>:<user>/<model> format.

Expand to see a sample output

You can also identify the current model by running juju models – your current model is the model with an asterisk!

Switch to a different model. To change from the current model to a different model, use the switch command followed by the target model name in a <controller>:<user>/<model> format:

juju switch <controller>:<admin>/<model>

The command also allows you to specify the target controller in an abbreviated form by omitting one or more of the components.

See more: juju switch

For important operations we recommend you specify the model in the unambiguous form shown above.

The terraform juju client does not support this. Please use the juju client.

In python-libjuju, switching to a different model means simply connecting to the model you want to work with, which is done by calling connect on the Model object:

from juju.model import Model

model = Model()
await model.connect() # will connect to the "current" model

await model.connect(model_name="test-model") # will connect to the model named "test-model"

Note that if the model object is already connected to a model, then that connection will be closed before making the new connection.

See more: Model.connect()

View the status of a model

To see the status of a model and everything inside of it, run the status command:

juju status
Expand to see a sample output
Model  Controller           Cloud/Region         Version  SLA          Timestamp
test   localhost-localhost  localhost/localhost  3.1.0    unsupported  16:07:52+01:00

Model "admin/test" is empty.

By passing various options you can also specify a model, see the output in color formatting or with additional sections for relations or storage, watch the status for a given duration, etc.

See more: juju status

The terraform juju client does not support this. Please use the juju client.

View details about a model

To view detailed information about a specific model, use the show-model command followed by the model name. For example:

juju show-model test
Expand to see a sample output for an empty model called 'test'
  name: admin/test
  short-name: test
  model-uuid: 3850c8cc-0cd0-4d53-8a6d-591b63024141
  model-type: iaas
  controller-uuid: f06afa86-3461-42bb-86ed-6c2f5d7b0ac7
  controller-name: localhost-localhost
  is-controller: false
  owner: admin
  cloud: localhost
  region: localhost
  type: lxd
  life: alive
    current: available
    since: 5 hours ago
      display-name: admin
      access: admin
      last-connection: 2 minutes ago
  sla: unsupported
  agent-version: 3.1.0
    name: localhost
    owner: admin
    cloud: localhost
    validity-check: valid
  - name: juju
    description: the version of Juju used by the model
    version: 3.1.0

By passing options you can also specify a format, an output file, etc.

See more: juju show-model

The terraform juju client does not support this. Please use the juju client.

Configure a model

See also: Model configuration, List of model configuration keys

See related: How to configure a controller

The procedure for how to configure a model differs slightly depending on whether you are interested in the configuration of a specific model or rather of all the models on a controller.

A specific model

Set values. You can set the configuration for a model both while you are creating the model and later.

  • To set it for the controller model during control creation, use the bootstrap command with the --config option followed by the desired configuration, for example:
juju bootstrap --config image-stream=daily localhost lxd-daily
  • To set it for any other (workload) model while creating it, use the add-model command with the --config flag followed by the desired configuration:
juju add-model mymodel --config image-stream=daily
  • To set it for any model – whether controller or otherwise – after the model has already been created, use the model-config command followed by the desired configuration. For example, below we set the default space binding for all the applications on the model to ‘myspace’:
juju model-config default-space=myspace

Juju does not currently check that the provided key is a valid setting, so make sure you spell it correctly.

In all cases, the configuration can be passed in the form of a space-separated list of key-value pairs or in the form of a YAML configuration file, and you can also use it to overwrite (e.g., with a null value) or to reset existing values, among other things.

If you’re trying to pass multiple configurations using the --config flag, make sure to repeat the flag for every configuration.

See more: juju bootstrap --config ..., juju add-model ... --config, juju model-config

Get values. You can get the configuration of a model at any time by running the model-config command without any argument, as below:

juju model-config

By using various flags of this command you can also target a specific model or key, choose a different output format, etc.

See more: juju model-config

All the models on a controller

Set values. You can set the default configuration values for all the models on a controller either during controller creation or after.

  • To set model configuration defaults during controller creation, use the bootstrap command with the --model-defaults flag followed by the desired configuration(s), for example, as below. This will affect the controller model and any subsequent (workload) model during controller creation.

For the controller model you can override --model-defaults through --config. See more: How to configure a controller.

juju bootstrap microk8s uk8s \
  --model-defaults logging-config="<root>=WARNING; unit=DEBUG" \
  --model-defaults update-status-hook-interval="60m"

By passing various flags you can also target a specific cloud or cloud region, pass the configuration(s) in the form of a yaml file, reset keys, etc.

See more: juju bootstrap --model-defaults ...

  • To set model configuration defaults after controller creation, use the model-defaults command followed by the desired configuration. This willl affect any models created from that point onwards.
juju model-defaults ftp-proxy=

These defaults can be overridden, on a per-model basis, during the invocation of the add-model command (option --config) as well as by resetting specific options to their original defaults through the use of the model-config command (option --reset).

See more: juju model-defaults

Get values. At any point, you can get the default configuration values for all the models on a controller by running the model-defaults command, as below:

juju model-defaults

Just as before, by using various flags you can filter by a specific cloud or cloud region, or see the value for a specific key, etc.

See more: juju model-defaults

With the terraform juju client you can only set configuration values, only for a specific model, and only a workload model; for anything else, please use the juju client.

To configure a specific workload model, in your Terraform plan, in the model’s resource definition, specify a config block, listing all the key=value pairs you want to set. For example:

resource "juju_model" "this" {
  name = "development"

  cloud {
    name   = "aws"
    region = "eu-west-1"

  config = {
    logging-config              = "<root>=INFO"
    development                 = true
    no-proxy                    = ""
    update-status-hook-interval = "5m"

See more: juju_model (resource)

Manage constraints for a model

See also: Constraint

Set values. You can set constraints for the controller model during controller creation or to regular models at any other point.

To set constraints for just the controller application in the controller model only: Use the bootstrap command with the --bootstrap-constraints flag. See more: How to manage constraints for a controller.

  • To apply a constraint to the entire controller model during controller creation, run the bootstrap command with the --constraints option. Below we use it to ensure that every machine has 4GiB memory.
juju bootstrap --constraints mem=4G aws

See more: juju bootstrap --constraints

  • To set constraints for a regular model, run the set-model-constraints command followed by the desired key-value pair, as in the example below. This will affect all new resources provisioned for the model.
juju set-model-constraints mem=4G

Pro tip: To reset a constraint key to its default value, run the command with the value part empty (e.g., juju set-model-constraints mem= ).

See more: juju set-model-constraints

Get values. To get constraint values for the current model, run the model-constraints command, as below:

juju model-constraints

By using various flags, you can specify a model (e.g., -m controller, to view constraints for the controller model), an output file, etc.

See more: juju model-constraints

With the terraform juju provider you can only set constraints – to view them, please use the juju client.

To set constraints for a model, in your Terraform, in the model’s resource definition, specify the constraints attribute (value is a quotes-enclosed space-separated list of key=value pairs). For example:

resource "juju_model" "this" {
  name = "development"

  cloud {
    name   = "aws"
    region = "eu-west-1"

  constraints = "cores=4 mem=16G"

See more: juju_model (resource)

Restrict commands on a model

Disable commands. To disable commands for the current model, run the disable-command followed by the name of the command group that you want to restrict and, optionally, a message. For example, the code below disables the ability to destroy the model and its controller:

juju disable-command destroy-model ""Check with SA before destruction.""

See more: juju disable-command

View a list of the disabled commands. To see which command groups have been disabled for a model, run the disabled-commands command:

 juju disabled-commands

See more: juju disabled-commands

Enable commands. To lift command restrictions, run enable-command followed by the command group that you want to enable. For example, the code below re-allows people to destroy the model and its controller.

juju enable-command destroy-model

See more: juju enable-command

The terraform juju client does not support this. Please use the juju client.

Compare and export the contents of a model to a bundle

Compare. To compare the contents of the current model with a bundle and report any differences, run the diff-bundle command:

juju diff-bundle <bundle>

Expand to see an example

Consider, for example, a model for which the status command yields the output below:

Model  Controller  Cloud/Region         Version  SLA          Timestamp
docs   lxd         localhost/localhost  2.5.0    unsupported  05:22:22Z

App        Version  Status   Scale  Charm      Store       Rev  OS      Notes
haproxy             unknown      1  haproxy    jujucharms   46  ubuntu  
mariadb    10.1.37  active       1  mariadb    jujucharms    7  ubuntu  
mediawiki  1.19.14  active       1  mediawiki  jujucharms   19  ubuntu  

Unit          Workload  Agent  Machine  Public address  Ports   Message
haproxy/0*    unknown   idle   2     80/tcp  
mariadb/0*    active    idle   1            ready
mediawiki/0*  active    idle   0     80/tcp  Ready

Machine  State    DNS           Inst id        Series  AZ  Message
0        started   juju-dbf96b-0  trusty      Running
1        started  juju-dbf96b-1  trusty      Running
2        started   juju-dbf96b-2  bionic      Running

Relation provider  Requirer              Interface     Type     Message
haproxy:peer       haproxy:peer          haproxy-peer  peer     
mariadb:cluster    mariadb:cluster       mysql-ha      peer     
mariadb:db         mediawiki:db          mysql         regular  
mediawiki:website  haproxy:reverseproxy  http          regular

Now say we have a bundle file bundle.yaml with these contents:

    charm: "mediawiki"
    num_units: 1
      name: Central library
    charm: "mysql"
    num_units: 1
      "binlog-format": MIXED
      "block-size": 5
      "dataset-size": "512M"
      flavor: distro
      "ha-bindiface": eth0
      "ha-mcastport": 5411
      "max-connections": -1
      "preferred-storage-engine": InnoDB
      "query-cache-size": -1
      "query-cache-type": "OFF"
      "rbd-name": mysql1
      "tuning-level": safest
      vip_cidr: 24
      vip_iface: eth0
  - - "mediawiki:db"
    - "mysql:db"

Comparison of the currently active model with the bundle can be achieved in this way:

juju diff-bundle bundle.yaml

This produces an output of:

    missing: bundle
    missing: bundle
      bundle: mediawiki-5
      model: mediawiki-19
      bundle: ""
      model: trusty
        bundle: Central library
        model: null
    missing: model
    missing: bundle
    missing: bundle
    missing: bundle
  - - mediawiki:db
    - mysql:db
  - - haproxy:reverseproxy
    - mediawiki:website
  - - mariadb:db
    - mediawiki:db

This informs us of the differences in terms of applications, machines, and relations. For instance, compared to the model, the bundle is missing applications haproxy and mariadb, whereas the model is missing mysql. Both model and bundle utilise the ‘mediawiki’ application but they differ in terms of configuration. There are also differences being reported in the machines and relations sections.

Let’s now focus on the machines section and explore some other features of the diff-bundle command.

We can extend the bundle by including a bundle overlay. Consider an overlay bundle file changes.yaml with these machine related contents:

    to: 2
    to: 3
    series: trusty
    constraints: arch=amd64 cores=1
    series: trusty
    constraints: arch=amd64 cores=1

Here, by means of the --overlay option, we can add this extra information to the comparison, effectively inflating the configuration of the bundle:

juju diff-bundle bundle.yaml --overlay changes.yaml

This changes the machines section of the output to:

    missing: bundle
    missing: bundle
      bundle: trusty
      model: bionic
    missing: model

The initial comparison displayed a lack of all three machines in the bundle. By adding machines 2 and 3 in the overlay, the output now shows machines 0 and 1 as missing in the bundle, machine 2 differs in configuration, and machine 3 is missing in the model.

As with the deploy command, there is the ability to map machines in the bundle to those in the model. Below, the addition of --map-machines=2=0,3=1 makes, for the sake of the comparison, bundle machines 2 and 3 become model machines 0 and 1, respectively:

juju diff-bundle bundle.yaml --overlay changes.yaml --map-machines=2=0,3=1

The machines section now becomes:

    missing: bundle

The bundle shows as only missing machine 2 now, which makes sense.

The target bundle can also reside on Charmhub. In that case you would simply reference the bundle name, such as wiki-simple:

juju diff-bundle wiki-simple

See more: juju diff-bundle

Export. To export the contents of the current model to a bundle file (a file of the form <bundle name>.yaml), run the export-bundle command with the --filename flag followed by the file path. For example:

juju export-bundle --filename mybundle.yaml

The command also has flags that allow you to select a different model, include charm configuration default values in the exported bundle, etc.


Suppose you have a model that looks like this:

$ juju status
Model        Controller  Cloud/Region        Version  SLA          Timestamp
welcome-k8s  microk8s    microk8s/localhost  3.1.6    unsupported  09:09:56+01:00

App             Version  Status  Scale  Charm           Channel  Rev  Address         Exposed  Message
example-k8s              active      1  example-k8s                1   no       
microsample-vm           active      1  microsample-vm             0  no       

Unit               Workload  Agent  Address      Ports  Message
example-k8s/0*     active    idle         
microsample-vm/0*  active    idle      

Running juju export-bundle will print this:

$ juju export-bundle
bundle: kubernetes
    charm: local:example-k8s-1
    scale: 1
    constraints: arch=amd64
    charm: local:microsample-vm-0
    scale: 1
    constraints: arch=amd64

See more: juju export-bundle, SDK | How to manage bundles

The terraform juju client does not support this. Please use the juju client.

Upgrade a model

See more: Upgrading things

A model upgrade affects the version of Juju (Juju machine and unit agents) on all the Juju machines in the model.

First, prepare for the upgrade:

  • Ensure the controller has already been upgraded. See more: How to upgrade a controller
  • Ensure the models that are to be upgraded are in good working order (juju status).

Then, perform the upgrade. How you upgrade a model depends on whether you’d be crossing patch versions (e.g., v.2.9.25v.2.9.26) or rather minor (e.g., v.2.7v.2.8) or major versions (v.2v.3).

  • To upgrade the current model across patch versions, use the upgrade-model command:
juju upgrade-model

By using various flags, you can specify an agent stream, agent version, etc., or you can even perform a dry run, to simulate what would happen if you upgraded.

This procedure can also be used to upgrade a controller model.

See more: juju upgrade-model

  • To upgrade a model’s minor or major version, use model migration. First, bootstrap a controller of your target version, migrate your model to that controller, and then do upgrade-model on the new controller.

This procedure cannot be used to upgrade a controller model.

See more: How to migrate a workload model to another controller,

When you’re done, verify that the model has been succesful by running the status command. If the output looks wrong, you will have to do some investigation.

Error: some agents have not upgraded to the current model version <version>

When the running agent software that is more than 1 patch point behind the targeted upgrade version the upgrade process will abort.

One very common reason for “agent version skew” is that during a previous upgrade the agent could not be contacted and, therefore, was not upgraded along with the rest of the agents.

To overcome this situation you may force the upgrade by ignoring the agent version check:

juju upgrade-model --ignore-agent-versions
Unit agent has not restarted after upgrade

It may occur that an agent does not restart upon upgrade. One thing that may help is the inspection and modification of its agent.conf file. Comparing it with its file before upgrading can be very useful.

Installing a different or modified configuration file will require a restart of the daemon. For example, for a machine with an ID of ‘2’:

juju ssh 2 'ls -lh /etc/systemd/system/juju*'

This will return something similar to:

-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 326 Jun 29 19:02 /etc/systemd/system/
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 284 Jun 29 19:02 /etc/systemd/system/jujud-machine-2.service

Therefore, if the agent for machine ‘2’ is not coming up you can connect to the machine in this way:

juju ssh 2

Then modify or restore the agent file (/var/lib/juju/agents/machine-2/agent.conf), and while still connected to the machine, restart the agent:

sudo systemctl restart jujud-machine-2

The terraform juju client does not support this. Please use the juju client.

Migrate a workload model to another controller

Model migration is the movement of a model from one controller to another. The same configuration of machines, units, and their relations will be replicated on the destination controller, while your applications continue uninterrupted. Migration is used to upgrade models across minor or major versions. Migration is also useful for load balancing: If a controller hosting multiple models reaches capacity, you can move the busiest models to a new controller, reducing load without affecting your applications.

A controller model cannot be migrated.

Prepare for migration.

  • Verify that the source and destination controllers are both known to the Juju client (i.e., they show up in the juju controllers output) and located in the same cloud environment.
  • Verify that the version of Juju running on the destination controller is the same or newer than the version on the source controller.
  • Verify that the destination controller does not have any model with the same name as the name of the model you want to migrate to it.
  • Back up the source controller.
  • If the destination controller is on a different region or VPC: Ensure that the destination controller has direct connectivity to the source controller.
  • If the model is large: Configure the destination controller to throttle the reconnection rate for the agents running for each machine and unit in the model and increase the migration agent timeout time. For example:
juju controller-config agent-ratelimit-rate=50ms
juju controller-config agent-ratelimit-max=100
juju controller-config migration-agent-wait-time=30m

See more: List of controller configuration keys > agent-ratelimit-rate, agent-ratelimit-max, migration-agent-wait-time

  • If the model has multiple users: Ensure that all the users have been set up on the destination controller. The operation will be aborted, and an advisory message displayed, if this is not the case.
  • If the model contains secrets: Set up the target controller to use the same secret bank end as the source controller. For example, for a backend called myvault, as below. This will ensure that any secrets are correctly migrated with the model.
$ juju switch sourcecontroller
$ juju show-secret-backend myvault
  backend: vault
  secrets: 0
  status: active
  id: 63c8ad37c906eb278540e942

$ juju switch targetcontroller
$ juju add-secret-backend --config /path/to/backendcfg.yaml --import-id 63c8ad37c906eb278540e942

Migrate the model. To migrate a model on the current controller to a destination controller, use the migrate command followed by the name of the model and the name of the destination controller, as below:

juju migrate <model> <destination controller>

You can monitor progress from the output of the status command run against the source model. You may want to use a command such as watch to automatically refresh the status output, rather than manually running status each time:

watch --color -n 1 juju status --color

In the output, a ‘Notes’ column is appended to the model overview line at the top of the output. The migration will step through various states, from ‘starting’ to ‘successful’.

The ‘status’ section in the output from the show-model command also includes details on the current or most recently run migration. It adds extra information too, such as the migration start time, and is a good place to start if you need to determine why a migration has failed.

This section will look similar to the following after starting a migration:


current: available

since: 23 hours ago

migration: uploading model binaries into destination controller

migration-start: 21 seconds ago

Migration time depends on the complexity of the model, the resources it uses, and the capabilities of the backing cloud.

If failure occurs during the migration process, the model, in its original state, will be reverted to the original controller.

When the migration has completed successfully, the model will no longer reside on the source controller. It, and its applications, machines and units, will be running on the destination controller.

Inspect the migrated model with the status command:

juju status -m <destination-controller>:<model>
Error: migration: 'aborted, removing model from target controller: model data transfer failed, failed to import model into target controller: granting admin permission to the owner: user "<user>" is permanently deleted'

This error occurs when the model owner does not exist on the target controller. The solution is to create a user with that name on the target controller.

Note: The underlying cause is because a model is tightly coupled with the user who has created it. Starting with Juju 4, it will be possible to identify models independently of the user.

Error:migration: 'aborted, removing model from target controller: model data transfer failed, failed to import model into target controller: credential "<credential>" not found (not found)'

This error occurs when the model owner does not own the credential associated with the model. The solution is to change the credential to a credential the user owns (via juju set-credential).

Error: migration: 'aborted, removing model from target controller: machine sanity check failed, 1 error found'

This error occurs when the machines known by Juju differ from the ones the underlying cloud reports (e.g., a LXD cloud still sees a container that has been removed from Juju). The solution is to check the cloud and resolve the difference (i.e., continuing with the previous example, to delete the container from the LXD cloud as well).

See more: juju migrate

To migrate a model to another controller, use the juju client to perform the migration, then, in your Terraform plan, reconfigure the juju provider to point to the destination controller (we recommend the method where you configure the provider using static credentials). You can verify your configuration changes by running terraform plan and noticing no change: Terraform merely compares the plan to what it finds in your deployment – if model migration with juju has been successful, it should detect no change.

See more: How to use the client

Destroy a model

See also: Removing things

To remove a model, along with any associated machines and applications, use the destroy-model command followed by the name of the model:

juju destroy-model <model>

The command has a variety of flags that you can use to skip the confirmation, to rush through the destruction without waiting for each step to complete, to release or destroy any persistant storage on the model, etc., or even to force destroy the model, ignoring any errors (not recommended as it might leave behind unresolved issues).

See more: juju destroy-model

To destroy a model, remove its resource definition from your Terraform plan.

See more: juju_model (resource)

To destroy a model, with a connected controller object, call the Controller.destroy_model() function. For example:

await controller.destroy_model("test-model")

See more: Controller.destroy_model()

Contributors: @aflynn, @awnns, @barrettj12, @cderici, @hmlanigan, @pedroleaoc, @pmatulis, @serdarvural80, @timclicks, @tmihoc