Command 'juju remove-secret-backend'

The information in this doc is based on Juju version 3.5.3, and may not accurately reflect other versions of Juju.

See also: add-secret-backend, secret-backends, show-secret-backend, update-secret-backend


Removes a secret backend from the controller.


juju remove-secret-backend [options] <backend-name>


Flag Default Usage
-c, --controller Controller to operate in
--force false force removal even if the backend stores in-use secrets


juju remove-secret-backend myvault
juju remove-secret-backend myvault --force


Removes a secret backend, used for storing secret content. If the backend is being used to store secrets currently in use, the --force option can be supplied to force the removal, but be warned, this will affect charms which use those secrets.

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